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Home– Work – MacintoshPC Windows
Type Of Output: Slides Overheads Prints Other (use ‘Special Instructions’)
Number of Originals:Duplicate Sets:
File Format (Powerpoint, Illustrator etc..):
Please list non-standard fonts in ‘Special Instructions’ Below (you may need to provide us with a copy)
File Sent Via: Mail/Courier Attached E-mail FTP Site
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Return Ship Options: US Mail (n/c) Fed Ex 2-day ($7) Fed Ex Next Day ($12) Fed Ex Next Morinig ($16) Other (use ‘Special Instructions’)
Slide Options: Standard Cardboard Mounts Plastic Mounts (25 cents each) Glass Mounts ($1 each)
Overhead Options: No Sleeves Standard 3-M Sleeves (50 cents each) 3-M Flip Frame Sleeves ($1 each)
Method of payment: VISA/MC (please call with card info) Net 30 Acct. Pre-pay by check Purchase order (use special inst. for PO #)
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