Layout & Design
We can create custom presentations from your word processing files, notes, or scribbles on a napkin. We can then return them to you in the form of 35mm slides, overheads, or run-time players that you can run interactively from your computer. We charge a basic rate of $45 per hour for custom work. Call us for more information regarding your needs, time frames and output options.
We also offer traditional design/production/layout services. Give us a call and we can discuss your needs and whether we are a good arrangements (including ‘super-rush’ service) and quantity discounts available.
We currently offer scanning of standard reflective artwork, large transparencies, and 35mm slides. The cost is $8 per scan. Please call us regarding the optimal resolution and color depth that will best suit your needs.
Additional Services
We offer a variety of additional services such as laser printing and graphic file conversion. Give us a call if you have a specific need and we will help you or send you to someone who can.